Who we are
Family Owned
The business is 100% owned by Robert and Michael Lillegard. Robert is 5 years older, and when Michael was in 5th grade, he wrote a class essay about why Robert was his hero. That’s adorable.
“What can you do with a math degree?”
Asked no one ever. But Michael, who graduated with high honors with a Masters in Mathematics, didn’t feel like becoming a professor or a mathematician. Why would he pick a secure, lucrative job when he could go into a dying industry known for instability and long hours instead? As a hobby during grad school, he hand built a wood fired oven with his dad. Then he took out the calculator and baking books and started testing variables. 2000 loaves later he had iterated his way to the perfect recipe.

“What can you do with a humanities degree?”
Tons. Robert’s communication skills and critical thinking could find use in telemarketing, door to door sales, or fast food—he can say, “do you want fries with that?” in three languages! He ended up becoming a food writer for the New York Times and other publications. Because he didn’t know enough to recognize a good thing when he had it, he quit that job to start a way more complicated business with his brother.